Friday, April 19, 2024
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 Operators at a Glance

Use to connect 2 words and find all records that contain both words. "AND" must be in capital letters. Since this is the default operator, you can omit it.

Use to connect 2 words and find all records that contain at least one of the words. "OR" must be in capital letters.

Equivalent to "AND".

Equivalent to "OR".

Use to mark a must be present word.

Use to mark a must not be present word.

Multiply a word's contribution to the relevance value by a factor. The factor must be positive. It can be a decimal.

Use for replacing 0 or more characters. It cannot be the first character of a word.

Use for replacing a single character. It cannot be the first character of a word.

Words enclosed in double quotes will be searched together as one phrase. Records that contain the phrase exactly will be returned.

( )
Use to group words together.
